What’s in Your Multivitamin?

by | Mar 31, 2022 | Start Your Conversation

Although countless dietary supplements are available today, the classic multivitamin is still the most popular. And for good reason: A good multivitamin will fill nutritional gaps in your diet.

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), more than one-third of Americans take a multivitamin. However, not all multivitamins are created equal. In fact, there’s no standard definition for what a multivitamin is. Manufacturers can choose which vitamins and minerals to include and at what dose.

Choosing the one that’s right for you depends on several factors, including your age, gender, diet, and other lifestyle factors. However, there are some key vitamins and minerals that most people need. The following are seven ingredients you should make sure your multivitamin contains.

  1. Vitamin B12: Vitamin B12 is one of eight B vitamins your body needs. Vitamin B12 supports your nervous system and is essential for red blood cell formation, DNA synthesis, and metabolism. Although it’s possible to get all the B12 you need from food, there are several reasons why you might not be getting enough.
  2. Folate: Although folate is found in fruits, vegetables, and legumes, many people don’t get enough through their normal diet. The type of folate found in supplements is more easily absorbed than the type found in food. Many multivitamins contain the entire recommended daily amount of folate: 400 mcg for most adults and 600 mcg during pregnancy. It’s especially important for women who may become pregnant to get adequate folate because it’s essential for proper fetal development in the first month of pregnancy.
  3. Vitamin D: When ultraviolet rays from sunlight hit your skin, it prompts cells to produce vitamin D. This nutrient is essential for maintaining calcium balance within your body and supporting bone health. However, many people don’t get enough sun to produce adequate vitamin D. While a few foods—like salmon and fortified milk—are rich in vitamin D, many people need supplements to get the recommended 600 IU per day.
  4. Iron: Getting enough iron ensures healthy red blood cells and proper oxygen transport from your lungs to the rest of your body. Most multivitamins contain 100 percent of your recommended daily iron intake (18 mg) in the form of ferrous iron, the most easily absorbed type. The NIH states that iron deficiency is relatively common, so it should be included in your multivitamin.
  5. Calcium: Adequate calcium is essential for building and maintaining strong bones and for keeping your heart, muscles, and nerves functioning properly. Adults need between 1000 and 1200 mg of calcium per day, depending on age and gender. However, many people don’t get enough calcium, particularly those who avoid dairy. Even those who do consume enough dairy may need to supplement because of digestive issues that impede their body’s ability to absorb the calcium they eat.
  6. Magnesium: Magnesium plays a crucial role in supporting muscle and nerve function, and it also helps regulate blood pressure and blood sugar. People who have a magnesium deficiency don’t usually have symptoms, but a prolonged deficiency can increase your risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and osteoporosis. Adults need between 310 mg and 420 mg of magnesium per day.
  7. Zinc: As well as being a key mineral in metabolism, zinc also supports immunity, wound healing, and our sense of taste and smell. The recommended daily amount is 8 mg for women and 11 mg for men. Because it’s hard to overdo it on zinc, it’s fine to get at least 100 percent of the recommended daily allowance from your vitamin, even if you eat zinc-rich foods like meat and dairy products.

Did you know Sterling Pharmacy offers a free vitamin program? Ask our team about the program on your next visit!

(Source: Good Neighbor Script, March 2022)